"Innovation" Posts
I Won’t Change, Don’t Make Me…

Every time, that I hear someone say, “I don’t need to change what I’m doing, even though, I’m not succeeding,” I think about the southern Illinois town of Shawneetown. You’ve heard the clichéd definition that insanity is doing the same thing, over and over, and expecting different results.
Here’s an example of how intransigence can destroy lives, communities and, literally, break the bank.
Past Success Does Not Predict Future Performance
Shawneetown, Illinois, one of the oldest towns in the state, is located on the shore of the Ohio River. Early residents established a ferry service across the river and Shawneetown …
Creating Buy-In For Change

Change can be a fear generating activity and developing buy-in may seem impossible. The more established a business, the greater the resistance to change. New ideas will bounce off a wall of “this is the way that it has always been done.”
Often there is a vested interest in maintaining the status quo by management and employees, alike.
Perhaps there were past attempts at change, which failed, so that future change is deemed hopeless. A cynical attitude can develop among employees that change is only being given lip-service (think of numerous companies that claim customer service is number one, yet …
There is a RIGHT Way and a WRONG Way to Brainstorm
A delightful infographic from MavenLink presents the concept that there is a right way and a wrong way to conduct brainstorming sessions, which actually makes me think of how there is a right way and a wrong way to host effective meetings (as a brainstorming event is basically a glorified super effective meeting).
Idea Stage Fright
Anytime that a group of people are asked to publically collaborate, not surprisingly, there appears to be ‘groupthink’ issues and psychological barriers to idea generation. Number five on the infographic, fear of criticism and rejection, especially spoke to me.
I find myself flashing back …