"Incentive Plan" Posts

GPS Reviews: Employees Taking Greater Ownership

GPS Consulting Reviews


A distributor and installer providing automated doors as well as service and maintenance for commercial clients since 2005, employed GPS “to make the kind of changes to the business that I have long hoped for, but I have been unable to institute, either due to the lack of time or expertise, on my part, or that of the staff.”


Having the GPS consultant on site and interacting with the management team and employees made change possible. She built a “solid foundation,” developing the systems and practices to make operations run smoother and boost revenue.

“Now that some

GPS Reviews: Shaking Up The Status Quo


The owners of a commercial flooring company were dealing with a low margin, which resulted in cash flow issues. “Prior to GPS, the cash flow volatility created great stress for me and Joe. We were resigned to the status quo and we did not foresee our company growing, beyond its size, at that time.”


“Upon arriving,” the GPS consultant “evaluated our estimating and accounting processes. The first discovery was that we did not understand the difference between mark-up and margin. He also determined that we had no budget forecasting in place.”

Numerous new procedures, protocols and metrics were …