"Family Business" Posts

GPS Reviews: We’re Business Owners, Now, Rather Than Our Business Owning Us!

GPS Client Reviews


Married owners of a screen printing shop, opened in 2007, struggled, at first, with bringing in GPS as “deciding to put that much money into this project was concerning as young business owners.” They realized, however, that while they had the artistic vision, their management direction was less clear. “My hope was that we would one day look back and think that it was one of the best decisions that we have ever made…”


Today is that day!

We are so pleased that we made the decision that we did. Not only have we noticed a renewed

GPS Reviews: Prepared For Our Company’s Future


Client from an oil and gas field services company scheduled a return engagement with GPS Consulting “to try to put us back on track after several years of not carrying out all of the things that our first consultant had set up. Our company was working hard, making money, but not planning. I would say that we were flying by the seat of our pants.”

The future of the company would quickly become the focus of this project.


Moving beyond diagrams and discussions of business practices, the GPS consultant, “took the time to go into the field and

GPS Reviews: I Have My Excitement Back

GPS Reviews - Created a Business Plan for Small Business Owner to Boost Profits


The owner of a RV dealership was contacted by GPS “and asked if they could take a look at our business to see if we could be more profitable. I have to admit that I was a little reluctant about someone coming into my business, which I have lived for the past 40 years, and tell me what I could do to make more money.

I did know that we were not taking full advantage of the opportunities that were blessing our family business. I was ready to call it quits, I had been working 12 or 13 hours

GPS Reviews: A Clear Vision & Pathway To Profitability


A family owned business for over 50 years in the automotive industry utilized GPS to provide “a clear vision and pathway to profitability.” The company had been struggling with serious financial and operational issues.


“My wife Angie and I were filled with anxiety and uncertainty as to where this journey would take us,” due to the troubled state of the business. When the GPS analyst and consultant arrived, “we began diagramming ‘where we are’ and ‘where we need to be.’ This brainstorming session, which I didn’t fully understand in the beginning, would soon become our recipe for success

GPS Reviews: The Confidence To Change Course


GPS Business Consulting was introduced to this client, a commercial boat rental company, by way of a cold call, “or by chance, however, I truly believe that this introduction was an answer to a prayer!

That phone call was the end of an era and the beginning of a new outlook and attitude towards the future of our business. We are a second generation family business faced with new challenges, which we weren’t handling very well.

Your team helped us to acknowledge the errors of our past ways and then gave us the encouragement to move forward with confidence

GPS Reviews: A Fresh Set Of Eyes


An industrial recycling company, serving the community for nearly 25 years, hired GPS for a value enhancement and restructuring project, sharing “the decision to begin this project with a fresh set of eyes on our business was difficult and challenging.”

In the beginning, concerns included whether the cost would outweigh the value of the set objectives, but they were put to rest during the first week that the GPS consultants arrived.

“I think all of management felt a sense of ease, almost as if we had partnered with a force of individuals that would help identify and offer solutions