GPS Reviews: Tackled The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

GPS reviews - business consulting services for small to medium sized businesses.


Husband and wife owners of drug, alcohol, and paternity testing service with three locations, hired GPS for a strategic planning project “concerning our lives, business and future.”


“What an awesome journey,’ shared the wife. “We have looked at the good, the bad, and the ugly. Our GPS consultant has helped us with the ugly, making sure that we realized that it was not all our fault. This means the world to us, because we wanted to take the blame for all of it. You helped us to understand that it doesn’t matter, we just go forward from here with a new set of processes and procedures, making better decisions based upon the tools that you have given us.”

Putting into place financial management systems and planning was a major deliverable for this consulting project. It was important to separate business from personal as well as establish an exit strategy. The husband concurred, “Telling me that I could not use the company for my own piggybank, was not my idea of progress. Co-mingling of funds, retirement planning, transitional planning, basically, I really was not prepared for what I heard. And what about this “Matrix” stuff, didn’t they make a movie by the same name? My thought was always, I’d just die sitting behind my desk and someone else could figure this out. There was also the idea of laughing and pointing fingers from the afterworld.”

He continued, “Becoming a responsible adult at 56 years old is tough enough, asking me to quit micro-managing seemed impossible. I will probably need to have the end of my tongue repaired, but, through his commitment to our company, he has forced me to be committed to my company and our future.

Letting go of something that you built from nothing is tough. It’s like a child who has outgrown his welcome at home—something has to give. Our GPS consultant made the giving less painful. Without complaint, he endured my long-winded opinions, rants, raves, and complaints. After all this, I think I’ll go home and rent that movie, ‘The Matrix’ with a little popcorn. You made it possible for me to relax.”

Both the husband and wife gave their consultant props for keeping them on task, being eager to help when they faced doubt or confusion as to where to find the necessary information. “Although, there is a ton of paper in our office, we do not like paperwork. He, on the other hand, loves paperwork and walked us through producing the needed documents.”


“I can’t believe that I asked our consultant to stay another week. Laura and I feel like GPS is kicking us out of the nest and forcing us to fly. Our consultant’s presence has been a positive influence on our lives. We have seen a multitude of progress and excitement, both professionally and personally. The future is going to be bright and wonderful and, at times, rocky. But, you have given us the tools to embrace whatever might be in our direction.”   Craig & Laura, Owners