GPS Reviews: Shaking Up The Status Quo

Shaking Up


The owners of a commercial flooring company were dealing with a low margin, which resulted in cash flow issues. “Prior to GPS, the cash flow volatility created great stress for me and Joe. We were resigned to the status quo and we did not foresee our company growing, beyond its size, at that time.”


“Upon arriving,” the GPS consultant “evaluated our estimating and accounting processes. The first discovery was that we did not understand the difference between mark-up and margin. He also determined that we had no budget forecasting in place.”

Numerous new procedures, protocols and metrics were implemented in the following areas:  accounting, operations, sales & marketing, and corporate & administrative. A few highlights of projects undertaken included organizing the Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet properly, improving field to office communications, tracking and setting up a material procurement process, creating a strategic marketing plan and facilitating an employee incentive program.

“Every part of our business was improved by our consultant’s expertise and knowledge along with the tools that GPS provided. He methodically went through each aspect of our company and developed the methods that we use to plan, assign, execute and review.”


A standout result related to their biggest source of stress. “With his help, we now have a correct margin and a budget forecast that allows us to see eight weeks of cash flow. These two items have made an invaluable impact on our business and the way that we think.”

“When we began this process with GPS, we desired a cash management system, needed to improve efficiency within and across our company, and to improve our financial reporting,” but they received much more, “we now have the knowledge and tools to grow our company and increase our profitability.”

 “Joe and I are very grateful that this opportunity was presented to us and we would highly recommend GPS to other businesses.”   Andrea and Joseph, Owners