GPS Reviews: Customized Solutions
The owner of a contracting company brought in GPS to provide strategic advice and expertise as well as the tools required for management to take the business to the next level.
“Instead of coming in and presenting a ‘canned’ strategy, our GPS consultant solicited input from each of my employees on what would work best to improve the company. He took those comments and developed a comprehensive plan that was presented back to the entire company, receiving nothing but positive comments.”
The client praised this “common sense approach,” saying, “his willingness to listen to my employees and my own suggestions was key in obtaining 100% buy-in.”
Among the deliverables, projects focused on improving such management areas as cash flow, accurate tracking of the true cost of goods sold and incorporating this data into estimates, and developing employee incentive plans as well as job descriptions and performance evaluations.
“There is no doubt in my mind that by implementing the policies and procedures our consultant has developed that my company will be more profitable and my employees will be extremely satisfied.”
Aside from the GPS consultant’s professional expertise, the client shared that they had developed a personal connection that he hadn’t expected and he held this quality of their relationship in as much esteem as his consultant’s technical expertise.
“We have talked and shared ideas about family, politics, personal relationships and other such items. This, along with his professional knowledge, sets him apart from other business consultants. I couldn’t be more satisfied with the results of my time with our consultant and I feel grateful to have been given the chance to get to know him.” Dan, Owner