GPS Reviews: Created Accountability For Change
Value enhancement, or “to help us achieve greater business success,” was the goal of this construction contractor specializing in catastrophe restoration (i.e. water, mold, fire, and smoke damage) in hiring GPS for business consulting services.
The initial visit by the GPS analyst “was insightful. In less than one day, he had a firm understanding of our struggles. He pointed out several personnel conflicts and billing issues that were impacting the business. His approach and suggestions opened my eyes to solutions that I had not thought of before.”
Next, the GPS consultants arrived and in their review “went further into the issues and they offered not only solutions, but detailed the returns that might be realized after implementing those solutions.”
More detailed plans were developed “to get us back on track. Some, we had done sporadically, in the past. Others were brand new and had never been tried. The GPS consultant went on to lay out ways to facilitate these changes as well as how to reward and make accountable the people that were responsible for the changes, including myself.”
“I, first, thought that we could not afford your team, but I have since realized that we could not afford not to have them here.” Bob, President