"Here At GPS" Posts
GPS Consulting Launches FIGHT CLUB!

A launch event was organized for our GPS corporate team, FIGHT CLUB, which will fight against breast cancer by walking in the ‘Make Strides Against Breast Cancer’ 3.1 mile walk being held in October by the American Cancer Society.
Rather than just sending out an email blast for people to sign up, one of our team captains, Dawn, set up an information table during the lunch hour with walking team refreshments—bottled water and trail mix, drumming up real excitement and interest in participating!
Big Changes Start with Small Steps
We shared some facts about the benefits of walking on a …
GPS Consulting Supported The Best Buddies Friendship Walk!

Last month, Liza joined her two brothers in the Best Buddies Friendship Walk held at Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. The Walk benefited Best Buddies International, an organization that matches people with Intellectual and Development Disabilities (IDD) with those with or without IDD, developing one-on-one friendships and community awareness.
Per the organization’s website, “Best Buddies offers opportunities for social inclusion and leadership development as well as support employment programs to provide the necessary tools for people with IDD to become more independent and valued members of our society.”
There was gorgeous weather for walking!
Liza’s two brothers, Austin and Bob, …
More Than Tripled Their Fundraising Goal!

The team poses together before the start of the walk (Yuliya is on the far right).
Yuliya was happy to inform her coworkers at GPS that her family’s team, Heartbeats Are Happiness, raised more than triple the goal amount this year for participating in the ‘March for Babies’ Walk to benefit the March of Dimes Foundation. Their goal was $550, which they far exceeded.
“We raised $1,680 this year! Over $1,000 came from GPS—thank you, everyone, for your donations!”
The March for Babies is a very personal cause for Yuliya and her family. The team walked in memory of …
GPS: Taking Care of Business, Every Day!

Keith summarizes what we do at GPS with a rousing
Karaoke rendition of ‘Taking Care of Business.’
The educational sessions of the GPS Annual Meeting were over and, now, everyone could relax and enjoy the final event—a grand dinner buffet featuring a broad array of food selections. From Spanish style tapas to a veggie ‘garden,’ roast turkey, prime rib and seafood stations, there was something for everyone. It was time to don our party attire, socialize, and be impressed by the diverse talents—singing, dancing and piano playing—of our coworkers!
GPS: We’ve Been Reinvigorated!

The GPS Annual Meeting is when our analysts and consultants gather to renew their energy and enthusiasm, while sharing best practices that have been developed in the field. It is also an opportunity to re-connect with colleagues who are seen only once or twice a year, meet new people, and stay up-to-date regarding the newest state and federal regulations/tax code changes.
There is a lot of note taking and spirited conversations as we examine what we can do better, faster, and smarter to benefit our clients. Speakers have been preparing their presentations for months and are excited to provide valuable …
A Warm Welcome For GPS Business Consultants & Analysts!

All of us at GPS Consulting are filled with excitement and anticipation, knowing that our Annual Meeting (when we gather to share best practices and learn about the newest state and federal regulations and tax code changes) is right around the corner. In order to properly greet the over 300 business consultants and analysts flying in for this event, we took over one of our conference rooms to stuff welcome bags, assembly line style.
Four hours later, each bag had been lovingly hand-packed by Tina, Andrea and Jesse, manning a station of bags, tissue paper, snacks, candies, fruit, etc. Tina …
An Irish Blessing On Saint Patrick’s Day From GPS!

Not only did we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, but we also bid farewell to Andrea (a.k.a. Peanut) as she leaves us to go back to school. This Irish blessing seemed appropriate as we wished all our clients, coworkers, partners, friends and family, a very happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!
Birthday Butterfly Explosion At GPS Consulting!

Birthdays at GPS are a celebration and not for the bashful or shy! We all stopped by Paula’s desk to wish her a Happy Birthday. There were plenty of streamers, balloons and butterfly themed decorations (including a cupcake stand and noise-makers) to cue us in that it was her special day.
We Deconstructed Our Food Drive!

First, the Christmas tree came down, then, the Tower!
The ‘Cereal’ Tower, our homage to the Willis Tower (or the Tower formerly known as Sears) landmark, had served its purpose of inspiring our greatest Food Drive ever at GPS to help fight hunger in our local community. Across all of our departments, we collected a total of sixteen bins of food! It was now time to take down this sculpture and have the 98 boxes of cereal delivered to the Libertyville Food Pantry. Joshua and Sean volunteered for deconstructing and packing away the Tower’s six stories of Total, Cocoa …
The Stockings Were Hung By The Chimney With Care…

Santa has finally arrived and, boy, do we have cookies for Santa!
The GPS Holiday Cookie Exchange Party was a festive gathering. Tons of creativity was on display from office decorations to a miniature Santa and his Sleigh centerpiece (an awesome job by Deb). We also enjoyed Hot Chocolate Cupcakes, Santa Hats, Powered Donut Snowmen, and a Cornflake Holiday Wreath, among many other sweet treats. Everyone had the opportunity to sample cookies and share recipes!
Santa and his reindeer are dashing through the snow!