"GPS Reviews" Posts

GPS Reviews: The Benefits Far Outweigh The Costs


A third generation manufacturing company, started in 1961 by the client’s grandfather, sought GPS’ consulting services for enhancement of the business and sales, as “what worked to get you started, doesn’t necessarily work 50 years later.”


The client found himself immersed in a business boot camp, “my brain has been stretched, scrunched, split, formed and molded into a more usable shape so that I can implement the lifetime of real world business sense that the GPS consultant imparted onto my staff and myself.”

A plan was crafted, along with systems and processes implemented, to take the company to …

GPS Reviews: A Wealth of Information


A general retail business was in need of GPS’ advisory services. “Our business, 58 years old, was lacking in so many areas. We needed help with the staff, job descriptions, policies, present bookkeeping system, sales, management, estate planning and more.”


Their GPS consultant rose to the challenge to address the information management gaps within the organization. “I particularly liked the templates offered for every area and the manual, provided at the end of our training, will be very helpful.”

The client shared that she found her consultant to be extremely knowledgeable, “I felt that he always had an

GPS Reviews: Professionals Who Understand Businesses


A well established commercial and residential electrical services firm, in business for over 80 years, brought GPS in to deal with operational problems which had resulted in reduced profits and negative sales growth.  “For several years, I’ve wrestled with problems of employee productivity, material management and how to determine what our real labor cost was as well as the actual overhead burden and how to cover these costs when quoting jobs.”


One of the first issues that the GPS consultant resolved was cash flow.  Before, “receivables were high and cash went out as fast as it came in.”

GPS Reviews: Leading By Example


A family owned transportation service provider, in business for over 70 years, sought GPS’ assistance in developing management systems to support their continued growth.


“What an experience it has been.  It takes me back to my days in college—listening, learning and implementing.”

The GPS consultant “kept us on track many days when our office was absolute chaos, as we were continuing to operate a business and, at the same time, learning many new processes and creative thinking techniques.  He was diligent in designing accurate tools that we will use forever to build and maintain our company.  He would

GPS Reviews: Made Me A Better Owner


A farm equipment dealer engaged GPS for a consulting engagement to help improve their business.


The client expressed that he was skeptical, in the beginning, and feared that he had signed up for something that he’d regret, but after the first few days of meeting with his GPS consultant, those feelings were put to ease.

“I immediately started to see the value in what he had to offer me.  I have learned how to improve my business in such ways as using daily reports to identify problem areas, holding weekly sales meetings to improve communication, holding a review,

GPS Reviews: A Clear Path To Success


Before GPS, a successful company specializing in petroleum industry equipment with more than 20 years experience was “fumbling along as best we could, and doing quite well, but we lacked the knowledge that we needed to take our business to the next level.”


With their GPS consultant’s guidance, “we now can make sense of our financials because our accounting system is now structured correctly and we know how to read our statements.  He has helped us define our goals and set up a system to achieve those goals.  We now have divisions clarified, department heads set up and

GPS Reviews: We Have A Clear Vision


A home inspection firm had lost their founder to cancer six months prior.  His wife and daughter had a major decision in front of them, either to continue the company or to close it and find other jobs.

“My husband started our company over ten years ago.  He wasn’t a businessman, but he was an inspector and he could see that owning a company would be far more profitable than just working for one.  He was right.  He started getting contracts and performing inspections.  Before long, he had many inspectors working for him all over the city, which had

GPS Reviews: New Period of Growth & Change


GPS was called in by an early stage business striving to be successful in the manufacturing industry, but facing a few roadblocks.  “We were experiencing quality issues, unstable work flow from customers and lacked concrete financial/accounting practices.”   The client’s goal, overall, was to evolve from a ‘mom and pop’ type of establishment and develop a sustainable corporate culture.


A new financial system and numerous operational improvements were facilitated by the GPS.  The client was excited and pleasantly surprised with his staff’s acceptance of all the changes that were made in a relatively short amount of time.  “As young

GPS Reviews: Went the Extra Mile


The owner of a plumbing firm required GPS services for a tune-up of their current software and dispatching system as well as other management projects.


The GPS consultant “went the extra mile” working with the client’s office staff and interviewing key people in the business to determine the needs to be fulfilled.  He also concentrated on understanding the existing software package, determining how it functioned for the management team.


The consultant was able to implement numerous programs, which they already has access to via their IT system, but had not been utilizing.  Additionally, he set up a …

GPS Reviews: Freedom To Pursue Other Entrepreneurial Interests


The partners of a business-to-business IT consulting firm decided to use GPS “in order to move away from reliance on individual decision making and more towards an established system-based operation which would add value to the company.”  The business was growing, but the co-owners knew that they needed to improve management controls as well as have strategic plans and goals in place.  Additionally, the founders had other entrepreneurial interests that they wished to pursue.


Progress has been made with the development of the necessary tools and framework, a planning process and the ability to monitor results.  The GPS …