GPS Reviews: Developed A Sales & Marketing Plan With Real Accountability

GPS Consulting offers sales and marketing advice


A client offering residential and commercial dry cleaning and general cleaning services, with four locations, engaged GPS Consulting to assist in crafting a plan as well as implementing recommendations to take the business to the next level. “I have been consulting with your representative in regards to a sales and marketing plan that will bring us an additional $300,000 to $500,000 in total annual revenue in the next two to three years.”


“Much of his time and efforts have been spent on reviewing our current financials and how our present marketing dollars are being spent. He spoke with our present IT consultant in order to understand what options are available to integrate future software upgrades into our plan. We also had the good coincidence of having a sales person from an internet SEO company, pay us a visit, while our business consultant was here.

All of the above is helping with the future coordination and implementation of what he is proposing. His plan is designed to add the accountability, which is missing in the present marketing dollars that I am now spending. This plan also has multiple parts to it and includes hiring a full-time sales representative.”


I’m looking forward to implementing these suggestions and, finally, moving ahead with a sales & marketing plan that is trackable and, hopefully, very successful.” Alan, CEO