GPS Reviews: Offered A Seat On The Board!


GPS entered the picture to provide a client in residential new construction with a business adviser and mentor regarding issues related to improved management of the company. Although, the client expressed some reservations about the sales process of connecting with GPS—his initial salesman’s appointment, unfortunately, had been rescheduled with short notice, he expressed that he was very happy with what came of it.


Numerous projects were undertaken, but several stood out to the client as especially exciting. Number one was uncovering a revenue generating, business growth opportunity, or what the client referred to as a ‘game-changer,’ that had been overlooked. “It took our consultant doing the pro forma and line itemizing all of the advantages of this for me to see something that so clearly was going to be extremely advantageous to me.”

Structure within the client’s organization was another item, from meetings to the management of personnel. “There has never been a time in my 12 year career as a business owner that I haven’t tried to conduct a weekly or monthly meeting, but there was a complete lack of purpose. We were discussing all of the wrong things and focused on the wrong information. Our consultant has given me the tools to have powerful meetings with my team and give them inspiration.” The client felt that he now was equipped with the clarity to “identify weak team members and either work towards helping them improve, or, making it abundantly clear that it’s not going to be a fit.”

Being taught the ability to gauge the external factors that impact his industry also made the list. “One of the most difficult time periods that I’ve ever had to endure was late 2007 through 2008, and even into 2009. In fact, I dare state that I’m still recovering from what the external factors of the economy and housing crisis of those years did to me on many levels. Seeing some of the simplicity of diligently watching leading indicators, leaves me feeling more prepared to expand my business and work towards growth.”

Lastly, he cited being able to understand the connection between managing costs and revenue produced, after his GPS consultation, “I’m never going to look at costs and revenue the same again.”


The client expressed appreciation for his consultant’s “kindness and commitment to doing what he does and doing it so well,” saying that he will always value his “opinions, thoughts, and objective analysis of my business and my practices,” and extending an invitation for him to serve on his company’s board.

“As far as I’m concerned, our consultant can have a lifelong seat on that board and his opinions will always carry very heavy weight with me, because I feel that he has, and demonstrates, a very deep moral fortitude that is refreshing to see due to its overwhelming absence in business today.”   Matt, Owner.