GPS Reviews: The Confidence To Change Course

The Confidence


GPS Business Consulting was introduced to this client, a commercial boat rental company, by way of a cold call, “or by chance, however, I truly believe that this introduction was an answer to a prayer!

That phone call was the end of an era and the beginning of a new outlook and attitude towards the future of our business. We are a second generation family business faced with new challenges, which we weren’t handling very well.

Your team helped us to acknowledge the errors of our past ways and then gave us the encouragement to move forward with confidence that we could change the course that we were currently on.”


The client had high praise for their GPS consultant’s work ethic and dedication to their company’s success. “He has spent the last two months here with us and has assisted us in turning our business into a profitable one. By teaching us the ‘Business 101’ methods of metrics and Cash Flow, he showed us how to be profitable and to put changes in place that will help our company sustain that profitability.

Through our consultant’s efforts, we feel for the first time, in a long time, that we are now running our business and that our business is no longer running us.

He fought for us, each and every day, to prove to our employees that the changes that we were going through were not being implemented to attack or hurt certain employees; instead, our goal was to better employees and the overall workplace. That was no small task!”


“It is refreshing to hear our employees talk about our consultant and all the changes in such a positive light. He has helped us achieve heights that we never dreamed that we would reach. He was introduced to us as a stranger and will be leaving us as a family member!

Thank you for the knowledge that you’ve passed on to us, which will help us to grow our business in the way that it should.”   Chad and Jared, Co-owners