GPS Reviews: The Benefits Far Outweigh The Costs

The Benefits


A third generation manufacturing company, started in 1961 by the client’s grandfather, sought GPS’ consulting services for enhancement of the business and sales, as “what worked to get you started, doesn’t necessarily work 50 years later.”


The client found himself immersed in a business boot camp, “my brain has been stretched, scrunched, split, formed and molded into a more usable shape so that I can implement the lifetime of real world business sense that the GPS consultant imparted onto my staff and myself.”

A plan was crafted, along with systems and processes implemented, to take the company to the next stage of its development.


Before the start of the project, “we had seriously contemplated selling our company … just one week in, however, all thoughts of selling have completely vanished.”

 Although sensibly concerned with the expense, “the benefits of the experience will far outweigh the costs … I feel I now have the tools to expand the company where it was ten years ago and grow it, well beyond that, in the future, for my girls to eventually take over.”

“My only regret, in all of this, is that our consultant doesn’t live closer so that I could use her more readily in a business mentor capacity.”   Sean, President