GPS Reviews: New Period of Growth & Change
GPS was called in by an early stage business striving to be successful in the manufacturing industry, but facing a few roadblocks. “We were experiencing quality issues, unstable work flow from customers and lacked concrete financial/accounting practices.” The client’s goal, overall, was to evolve from a ‘mom and pop’ type of establishment and develop a sustainable corporate culture.
A new financial system and numerous operational improvements were facilitated by the GPS. The client was excited and pleasantly surprised with his staff’s acceptance of all the changes that were made in a relatively short amount of time. “As young entrepreneur, there have been many challenges that I have faced, and with the help of an experienced group of consultants, we’ve been able to change the direction of the company into a positive path of growth.”
“It has been a great way to implement things that I could never have formalized on my own. I appreciate the help and the insight, on a deeper and more intimate level, that has been provided by GPS.” Patryk, Owner